Welcome Parents !

I am Mom with over 120 gifted and talented kids. Surprised? You shouldn’t be! When you volunteer at your kid’s school, arrange playdates, team events, sports, games, chaperone for field trips, you will easily find yourself among the crowd of gifted and talented kids. As you spend time with them, your number grows every day as mine is. Most of the times, these are also my trouble makers who can’t contain their excitement, curiosity or constant flood of ideas flowing right into their not so interesting daily routine. They are a challenge to their parents, teachers and caregivers at all times ! Yes, that’s who I am talking about, more like I can’t stop talking about!

By the fact that you are showing interest in this article, I must admire you for accepting the bigger role you have towards development of your gifted child. It truly is. As big as their talent is, they are still captive of their tiny growing selves. For parents who have more than one gifted child, may see the responsibilities not just added but multiplied. Be prepared to loose your calm at times, run around searching their queries on net and libraries, handle their mood swings, keep them well fed, keep up with their constant quests! So, load on that cup of coffee/tea moms and dads, I know, we all do!

Something funny I have to share ! On my first follow-up visit after having my first kid, I was talking to my doctor. “I don’t know how I am going to manage the baby”, I said. She turned to me with a smile and said, “Oh honey, you are in for a surprise. Parents do not manage the baby, baby manages them”. Over a decade in my parenthood, I still giggle remembering how true that is.

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