Gifted Programs in Schools

Standards-based education is a solid foundation that is applicable to all students, including gifted students. Many times gifted students are somewhere in between grade levels and gifted education requires differentiation of the core curriculum to meet various student needs. Many school districts have different plans and programs for gifted students. These program serve the purpose to create integrated differentiated learning experiences within the regular school day. Following are types of gifted programs I have seen been followed in multiple schools.

  1. School led cluster grouping – Gifted Students are grouped within a regular classroom setting and receive appropriately differentiated curriculum from the classroom teacher who is trained to teach gifted students. The groups are typically made up of six to eight gifted students within a regular classroom setting who receive appropriately differentiated instruction. Students are clustered together rather than scattered amongst classrooms. Two or more clusters may be formed depending on enrollment and number of classes.
  2. School led part-time grouping: For part of school day, gifted students participate in classes or seminars that are organized by School teachers who are trained to provide advanced or enriched subject matter. Gifted students are pulled out of the regular classroom for special enrichment and/or accelerated instruction in a certain subject area like Math.
  3. School led special-day classes: For certain minimum school day, gifted students participate for enriched and advanced instruction and is appropriately differentiated from other classes in the same subjects at the school and is taught by a teacher who has specific preparation, experience, personal attributes, and competencies in the teaching of gifted children. It provides opportunity for gifted students to work together weekly across grade levels on research projects, enrichment, or leadership activities.
  4. Parents led classes and Programs: For gifted students, organize additional classes, conferences, workshops after school but within school classrooms

What programs does your school follow for gifted students?

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